6. Sample Templates

By default, Baut source tree includes some templates.

6.1. PostgreSQL

This template shows a test case like PostgresSQL regression test.

$ baut init -t postgresql postgresql
$ cd postgresql
$ tree
├── expected
│   ├── test_count.out
│   ├── test_from_file.out
│   ├── test_limit.out
│   ├── test_offset.out
│   └── test_where.out
├── run-test.sh
├── sql
│   └── test.sql
└── test_sample.sh

There are expected results under expected directory, and actual results are written under results directory.

$ cat test_sample.sh
#!/usr/bin/env bash

load "diff-helper.sh"


#: @BeforeAll
setup_all() {
  export PGDATABASE=sample
  dropdb --if-exists sample
  createdb --encoding=utf8 sample
  psql -c "create table users (id int primary key, name varchar(128) not null);"
  psql -c "insert into users select i , 'name-' || i from generate_series(1, 100) as i;"

test_where() {
  run_diffx psql -c "select id, name from users where id = 1;"

test_count() {
  run_diffx psql -c "select count(*) from users;"

test_limit() {
  run_diffx psql -c "select id, name from users order by id limit 10;"

test_offset() {
  run_diffx psql -c "select id, name from users order by id limit 10 offset 50;"

test_from_file() {
  run_diffx psql -f "$SQLDIR"/test.sql

#: @AfterAll
after_all() {
  dropdb sample

load 'diff-helper.sh' loads the helper which enables the execution of run_diff or run_diffx commands. The execution result is as follows.

$ ./run-test.sh
1 file, 5 tests
#1 /Users/guest/workspace/baut/postgres/test_sample.sh
NOTICE:  database "sample" does not exist, skipping
INSERT 0 100
o test_where
o test_count
o test_limit
o test_offset
o test_from_file
#$ 5 tests, 5 ok, 0 failed, 0 skipped

🎉  1 file, 5 tests, 5 ok, 0 failed, 0 skipped
Time: 0 hour, 0 minute, 0 second

6.2. MongoDB

$ baut init -t mongo mongo
$ cd mongo
$ tree
├── expected
│   └── test_query.out
├── run-test.sh
└── test_sample.sh
$ cat test_sample.sh
#!/usr/bin/env bash

load "diff-helper.sh"


mkdir -p "$LOGPATH" "$DBPATH"

#: @BeforeAll
setup_all() {
  log_warn "==> start mongod"
  mongod --fork --dbpath="$DBPATH" --logpath="$LOGPATH/mongod.log"

#: @AfterAll
after_all() {
  log_warn "==> shutdown mongod"
  mongo --quiet <<EOF
use admin;
  rm -rf "$DBPATH"

#: @BeforeEach
setup() {
  mongo --quiet <<EOF
use test;
for (var i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
  db.users.insert({userid: i, username: "name-" + i});

#: @AfterEach
teardown() {
  mongo --quiet <<EOF
use test;

test_query() {
  run_diffx mongo --quiet <<EOF
use test;
$ ./run-test.sh
1 file, 1 test
#1 /Users/guest/workspace/baut/mongo/test_sample.sh
2017-11-04 10:32:43 [WARN] test_sample.sh:12 - ==> start mongod
about to fork child process, waiting until server is ready for connections.
forked process: 44517
child process started successfully, parent exiting
o test_query
  switched to db test
  WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })
  switched to db test
  WriteResult({ "nRemoved" : 100 })
2017-11-04 10:32:47 [WARN] test_sample.sh:19 - ==> shutdown mongod
switched to db admin
server should be down...
2017-11-04T10:32:47.976+0900 I NETWORK  [thread1] trying reconnect to ( failed
2017-11-04T10:32:47.976+0900 W NETWORK  [thread1] Failed to connect to, in(checking socket for error after poll), reason: Connection refused
2017-11-04T10:32:47.976+0900 I NETWORK  [thread1] reconnect ( failed failed
#$ 1 test, 1 ok, 0 failed, 0 skipped

🎉  1 file, 1 test, 1 ok, 0 failed, 0 skipped
Time: 0 hour, 0 minute, 4 seconds

6.3. Redis

$ baut init -t redis redis
$ cd redis
$ cat test_sample.sh
#!/usr/bin/env bash

#: @BeforeAll
setup_all() {
  log_warn "==> boot redis"
  redis-server &>/dev/null &
  sleep 1

test_set_get() {
  run redis-cli SET key value
  [ "$result" = "OK" ]
  [ $status -eq 0 ]

  run redis-cli GET key
  [ "${lines[0]}" = "value" ]
  [ $status -eq 0 ]

#: @AfterAll
after_all() {
  log_warn "==> shutdown redis"
  kill $REDISPID
$ ./run-test.sh
1 file, 1 test
#1 /Users/guest/workspace/baut/redis/test_sample.sh
2017-11-04 22:35:26 [WARN] test_sample.sh:6 - ==> boot redis
o test_set_get
2017-11-04 22:35:27 [WARN] test_sample.sh:26 - ==> shutdown redis
#$ 1 test, 1 ok, 0 failed, 0 skipped

🎉  1 file, 1 test, 1 ok, 0 failed, 0 skipped
Time: 0 hour, 0 minute, 1 second